
Welcome to this free course about how to start a money making blog. It can be really exciting and rewarding, but also pretty overwhelming at first, so I’m going to walk you through it one step at a time.

First you’re going to learn how to set up your blog for success, then we’ll go into the ways you can make money from it.

Just to warn you in advanced this is a technical process that takes some time. I’ve seen other websites with titles like “how to start a blog in 10 minutes” and that is literally impossible. You might be able to sign up with a host in 10 minutes, but you won't have a clue what to do next.

You’re going to need at least an hour to set it up and start learning WordPress, but I’m going to walk you through each step and at the end you’ll have a shiny new blog.

Disclaimer: This course may contain affiliate links. Using them gives me a small commission at no additional cost to you.

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